XFCE Themes

This is a list of XFCE themes I have made

Most are based on old operating systems, window managers, and desktop environments

Quick note: I'd advise setting up some hotkeys for XFCE before installing these themes as many of them lack window buttons for closing, maximizing, and hiding.

(There are window buttons included, but it's up to you to enable them in the themerc file as in my opinion they look pretty ugly)

For my setup I use Alt-Shift-Q to close (inspired by i3), Alt-M to maximize, and Ctrl-Alt-M to hide. Feel free to change to your fitting.

XFCE also allows you to Alt-Click / Right-Click to drag and resize windows respectively, kind of like a tiling window manager, so use that a lot

Downloads can be found >>>here. (Last updated: June 13th, 2020)



Based on this screenshot from DECwindows on Ultrix 4.0

Title font is Gohu Font bold, size 11

Note: Window buttons are Maximize/Minimize and Close, since there is no resize button on XFCE



Based on the Plan 9 operating system.


SunTools Desktop

Based on this screenshot from Suntools on SunOS.

Title font is Gohu Font, size 11



Based on the default OpenBSD FVWM look.

Note: Make sure to change the title font to size 1 if you intend on using window buttons.



Based on FVWM.

Note: Make sure to change the title font to size 1 if you intend on using window buttons.


Black Border

Based on the minimal look of tiling window managers.


Black and White Border

Similar to above but with an inner white border.

Note: Make sure to change the title font to size 1 if you intend on using the window buttons.


White Emboss

Simple white emboss

Note: Also pictured is Picom with a 1px solid drop shadow.


Donald Knuth

Based on this screenshot of Donald Knuth's FVWM setup.

Note: Make sure to change the title font to size 1 if you intend on using window buttons.